Thursday, October 27, 2011

On Music

When I was seven years old, my older cousing Lindsay played a song by Ace of Base in the car. Immediately when I came home, I told my mom that I was OBSESSED with the song "I Saw the Sun," but I forgot the name of the band. I felt like I couldn't live unless I had the CD. After some researching, my mom found out that the song was called "The Sign"( While I listented to this song on repeat, I danced in my room. The band Ace of Base is partly responsible for my love of dancing in my room. After Ace of Base, I listened to Aretha Frankling and the Supremes and danced in my room. When the first Spice Girls album came out, I danced to the songs almost everyday and knew all of the words by heart. Though less frequent, I still dance in my room today. Sometimes I even use a hairbrush and pretent like I'm singing into a microphone. I can't imagine my life without music. I can categorize phases and ages of life through music. For example, elementary school was the NSYNC/Backstreet Boys/Spice Girls phase, middle school was my Dave Matthews phase, and high school was my want-to-be-hippie-listen to jam bands phase. In times where I have felt sad and lonely, I find comfort in listening to familiar music. Sharing music has been an important venue for me to interact with friends and family. My stepdad and I bond over liking Gillian Welch and David Rawlings. I still exchange mix CDs from a friend from middle school. Music provides flavor for life. Music is a form of communication more accessible than language. Music is an expression of our beautiful humanity.

Here are songs I can't stop listening to:

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