Sunday, November 13, 2011

Evaluation Topics

One of the greatest lessons I have learned in this class is what Dr. Horowitz called the "deconstruction of the THE." Every single Living Jerusalem class added a new layer of complexity and meaning. My perspective on Jerusalem and the conflict changes every class. When we were asked to write about solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I strongly supported a two state I'm not so sure. I agree with Eitan Grossman that two states will not be equitable or secure human rights for Palestinians. My opinions have shifted through the information I have learned in the course and I am sure they will switch in the future. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to take this course. I want to take this tool of open-minded flexibility with me throughout my life. I also want to stay involved in the Jerusalem Project. This isn't just a run of the mill class that ends at the semester. So topics for evaluation:
1. how can I carry these lessons about forming opinions on topics and open mindedness with me?
2. blog buddies
3. video conferences--the people we video conference with, questions, etc
4. reading material
5. further involvment

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